About Hobby Drawer

Welcome to Hobby Drawer—where life’s little pleasures meet creativity, balance, and style. Here, we believe that hobbies aren’t just pastimes, but an essential part of maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. Whether you’re knitting, reading, skiing, or pursuing any other passion, it’s the moments spent on what you love that truly nourish the soul.

I’m Asta—behind the scenes of Hobby Drawer. I’m a workaholic mom of two, and like many, my life is often a balancing act. But no matter how busy things get, I always make time for my hobbies—specifically knitting, which has been a lifelong passion, and reading books, which never fails to ignite my imagination.

At home, I’ve got a drawer (or two, or three…) full of everything from knitting needles to camera lenses, snowboarding gear and sewing supplies, and several shelves of books... While some hobbies come and go, reading and knitting have always been my constant companions. That’s why I decided to share my love for it, and other creative passions, with you through this site.